After the grand premiere of the sixth season of India’s Got Talent yesterday, the show today began with Akshay Kumar’s underwater act on the title track of Blue and Chinta Ta Ta Chita from Rowdy Rathore . Further a contestant gave a chair (lap) dance to Karan Johar as she performed on Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai. While Karan Johar was a little hesitant to volunteer for the contestant, Malaika Arora Khan persuaded him to do so. Following this, Karan and Malaika showed off their moves as they sizzled on a retro number – Sharab Hai.
Next a mentalist from Haryana who came on IGT amazed everyone with his skills by guessing the right card picked by the Munni Badnaam Hui babe without looking at it. The contestant added a new twist to his act by directing a call to the judges to reveal the right card. Next, a 14-year old girl from Gujarat left viewers awestruck with her dramatic yoga. A contestant mimicked Aamir’s Khan’s act in PK. Though KJo was impressed, Kirron and Malaika weren’t too convinced with his mimicry as the had not watched Aamir’s film. Ms Kher was mighty impressed by a three-year old’s beautiful dance performance on a number from Shor In The City.
While most contestants did manage to impress the audience with their acts, I am sure, there is much more to come in the sixth season of India’s Got Talent.