We already know that Aamir Khan will be playing a father in his next film Dangal. While the actor has been prepping up for his role, the makers are still auditioning girls who can essay the role of his daughters.
The team has been scouting and has auditioned more than 21,000 girls till now. The casting has been on for several months and director Nitesh Tiwari is certain he does not want to cast someone from the industry.
They are looking for fresh faces who have little or no former training in acting. So even when the team selects someone for auditioning, they have to give them time to prepare for the screen test, making the process even more challenging.
A spokesperson confirmed the same and said, “We have been auditioning but have not been able to zero in on the casting yet.”
Dangal will be releasing next year and will have Aamir Khan in a never seen before role.